sippin on gin and juice laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind

Feb 03, 2007 22:00

i think that college shoulda started like it did this time around. i feel a lot less uncertain that i did, and i have more going on. i can tell i'll be too busy when march and april roll around, but what the hell, i did it all throughout high school, so i think i should stay busy. when i leave myself too much time to think is when i get in trouble. i need to be around people, and it's easier to do that in a club or something than on my own. i like my room and i like to read, so i can be a bit of a hermit in that way.

i joined a choir here at school: 'revels without a cause'. it's supposed to be clever or something. i think it is. so does fallon, she told me so. i'm still writing opinion for the newspaper (i had a piece about obesity that was in this week's issue that i'll be posting in the spew), but there has been a sudden influx of new people who want to contribute. this means less page space for me, but i was new as of last semester, so i can't be mad. i think the lack of red tape is good. and if they suck, they had their chance, and we don't have to let them back. there are only three opinion pieces each week, and it'll be another month before i can be in print.

i got a job working at the little building's convenience store. market basket prepared me well. rock! 11-6 on saturdays. i think it's a good time to work. it's a really dormant time on campus, as people are either hung-over, lazy, or doing homework. i usually fart away that time of the week anyway, so it's just as well i make money instead. and i can do whatever i want when i get out that night. only thing is, now my weekends are very full, so there isn't really a time nicole can come visit/i can visit other colleges/the 'rents to come visit/go home for the weekend. balls, man. i'll find a way to do those things, though, prob friday nights or somethin.

i went to a taping of the daily show on thursday night with emerson's politics fun. that was wicked balls. ask me more about it if you're a daily show fan. in the Q&A jon did to warm up before the taping, i got to ask him a question. i'm pretty sure i peed my pants, thought that coulda just been sweat. yah. that club is trying to do a trip to DC in march. that'd be balls, too.

right now i'm in at a conference center in ashford, connecticut on the park st church choir's annual retreat. we've rehearsed a real lot, but it doesn't bother me, espec after districts. word. i forgot to bring my razor, so i'll be almost 48 hours unshaven by the time i get back tomorrow morning. i'm a man-beast - my stubble proves it (but i still have no moustache).

the guys in emerson goodnews fellowship (all 3 of us) are reading 'the irresistible revolution'. it's about this guy who is taking the gospel and christian charity back to their biblical roots on the street of philadelphia. becky jones, you have to read this book. do you own 'blue like jazz'? we could trade... emerson goodnews is trying to do another retreat this spring. eek, calendar's getting crowded! good thing i suppose.

i'm writing a 20-25 page research paper for my writing class. we got to choose our own topics, and i'm doing the impact of the soundbite upon political rhetoric and coverage of politics in broadcast journalism. anyone else fascinated? yah, i thought so.

i'm staying at school until spring break to prove to myself that i can, and i'm doing well. i'm more at peace now than i was in september and october. i feel at home. thanks God, you rock. i miss everyone at home and at college elsewhere uber tons though, i really do.

i tried to send my mom a yankee candle through the mail this week. partly to thank her for doing the insurance claim on my computer (i protested, but she said it would be easier for her to do it. for those of you who didn't know, i accidentally dropped my computer in october. smooth), but mostly just for being the best mom ever. don't argue with me about this, because she is. i know God is going to have me do wonderful things in life BECAUSE of the amazing mom i have. anyways, the yankee candle broke (as i should've foreseen, it was a freaking CANDLE!!!) and the package was discarded. that bummed me out because it was in a way metaphoric: i can never quite give back to my mom what she gives to me, and also because i wrote a really kick-ass note to her in it. bummer. i'll wait a week or so to recompose it in my head and then mail it again (this is beyond email. there isn't much intimacy in the "send" button).

i decided i have to, in some way, chronicle my journey over the past year and a half. i didn't go to africa or anything like that (for those of you who read that literally), but it's been THE biggest period of growth in my life. this sounds very lifetime network of me, but the whole pattern of the semi-eating disorder/weight loss and weight gain/binge eating/body image and confidence/inner demons and vices/moving away from my home of 16 years should probably be written down. even if just for myself or for the spew, but i have a feeling i can rattle around some common, inaccurate perceptions. i don't want to be vain (chris says as he is about to be incredibly vain), but i think that i would've been one of LEAST expected people to go through the stuff i did (which may have been body dysmorphic syndrome. that may be because i just read an article about it, but i really think so). i mean, i dominated high school, i really did. maybe that need to dominate things to such a perfectionistic level gave me that ill-advised sense of urgency to change my behavior so rapidly. actually, that's def what happened.

you guys rock. not everyone can type this shit in their LJ or facebook or myspace or whatev. i love friends. a few weeks ago i said that 'people are the best thing in the world'. i think i say a lot of yogi berra-like quotes. i think that's cool. hey, keep it real dudes.
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