Oh Spartacus

Aug 01, 2010 15:47

So, remember that curse of my favorite character dying? Yeah, it continues. Watching Spartacus and my fave character on it died. I seriously can't believe it. Ugh. My favorite character in The Hunger Games died as well, although I knew she would...but still. This is getting ridiculous.

In other news I can't stop thinking about Inception. I have seen it twice, but it won't leave my mind, which is ironic considering what the movie is about. I liked it the first time, but the second time I truly started to get the more subtle pieces of the movie. And I will be the first to admit Joseph Gordon-Levitt is freaking hot in that movie. I always thought he was attractive but in this movie...just wow. Not to mention his character was pretty damn awesome.

Okay, I'm going to go back to watching more Spartacus. Ugh.
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