1.) Friday: Saw the Wedding Singer with JLO and the "sexiest man alive." Wow. What a....spectacular movie. I've never simultaneously been bored to tears while having my intellect insulted. Wow. What a country, what a question. Did not work out.
2.) Saturday. Got some office type work done (oh, if you're a Realtor, and if I have your e-mail? Heh. You're back to eating out of my hand.) Today? Phone calls, prospecting (oh, and to the loan officer that doesn't have time to prospect because they get all of these referrals?). Then we went to Detroit to visit with Ben and Becky--my BIL and SIL. They're moving to the Seattle Area w/reasonable jobs (a good choice, particularly if you live in Detroit & have unreasonable jobs). They have a Diesel Jetta that gets 40 mpg. (Why does 'Italian leather sofa' come inappropriately to my head??). I think that I had the hamburger to end all hamburgers, which is to say, that I was at the
Red Coat Tavern and had some piedmontese beef--about a pound of it. I don't think I will ever eat another burger, because I no longer need to. I can't fathom a better tasting burger, and so I won't. It wasn't me that bitched about no changing table, in that review, either. My attitude? If you're eating out, and the even tolerate the baby at an adult restaraunt, they're doing you a favor. I did have the worst beer that I've ever had. Belgian Wheat Ale is going to go on my "do not use," list when it comes to beers.
About B&B? 'They're inspiring*, and I'm lucky to know them (and I'm no polyester bride). They up and decided to move west. Shortly after H and I were married, we bought some real estate without considering the ramifications. Planted us in Columbus. We're down to our Condo now, and we'll sell that in a HEARTBEAT if it gives us the means to move west. I'm willing to subordinate more to get that done than Heather is, and that caused some friction in the car. Namely, H is afraid to get rid of a condo because the prices in Oregon/Washington/Etc are 2.216 times what they are in Cowlumbus. I say, there's a reason for that and would like to get to an area that population trends FAVOR in lieu of the 'best city in the rustbelt.' Even if prices dip out there, not the end of the world**
3.) Sunday. The drive home is never as fun. We went to IKEA first, and bought 80 bucks worth of crap that we'll put together and eventually pitch. We threw a football around, and injested more red meat, in the form of Sausages. I had no beer. No beer and Brats is kind of stupid. Anyway, it was a come down from the Piedmontese beef that I'd had the night before.
4.) Today. Answered the bell, decided to run, and am about to. Wanted to record some of my thoughts. I'm absolutely determined NOT to be in columbus in a few years. H wants to go to grad school, and she's got some prerequisites, as she went to Bowling Green for undergrad. BG is not a good place.
That's it for now.
Blog list:
-Write about moving
-Write about giving up the tenacity with which I hold to terrible ideas.
-Write about a mortgage guy vs. a loan pro.***
Maybe more if I think about it, but I'm off to my run. I might come back and write an entry in 40 minutes or so. I stink, mostly because I skipped a shower.
*this was somewhat of a seminal event in my life. I want nothing to do with F&*(ing Cow-lumbus, and I'm going to do something about it. This isn't a case of GIGS, it's the truth. I've waned to bust out off this town for a whle. I'll do it sooner than you think.
**I know, the real estate guys sound eerily like he stock guys from 1992-1999. "it'll never go down, it's a new economy." Nah. Good and bad deals can be had all the time.
***The basic gist is service and volume, and either path is fine.