"New" Old Camera

Mar 03, 2008 21:30

As if I didn't have enough on my plate! Yesterday I found an old camera that I had picked up somewhere about 2+ years ago, before I had ever shot medium formate film. I was playing with it yesterday, opening and closing it, and then noticed that the film advance was meant for 120 film! I wanted to check with my local specialty camera store before I threw a roll of film in there.

I brought the camera to work today and after a bit of researching google I found out that the camera is an Agfa Billy Clack from the 1930's! You can read more about it HERE or HERE

Today I left work early to get some studying done before my math test and decided to run to the camera shop before I went home. This is the third time in four days... I think they are getting freaked out! But they were super helpful as usual and I have yet again befriended another medium format friend. He cleaned off the lens for me and let me know there was what looked like mildew in between the lens that he couldn't get but will only soften those spots on the film that I shoot. He didn't have a test roll in the shop so I just got a few rolls of various film including some Kodak 400TX to test it with.

As you can see below, the formate arrow is somewhere I am really not used to...

I didn't know if the numbers were going to show up like on my Holga so I just started winding up and left the window covered. Unfortunately I just guestimated on how many turns to advance the film per frame and I was way off! I first tried 6, then 4, then 5. Then I opened up the window and sure enough was the number 3. This is of course after taking about 4 or 5 shots! But I am glad that I can see the numbers now and that I really only probably messed up about 3 frames.

So on top of my Holga projects I now can't wait to shoot a few rolls on this camera to see how they come out! Well, when you are working 40 hours a week and going to school a few units shy of full time, thats life! I will probably have some notes on the new camera and shots I take tomorrow because Stacy and I are taking a walk after work!

Here are the rest of the pictures of the camera!

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