Nov 17, 2007 14:10
Tomorrow and Monday are the first two consecutive days off I have had in forever! I have so many things to do. Sunday im going down to Annex for drinks and farewells but Monday Im going all out on a jobs/shopping combination. I need to get my camera fixed. I haven't updated the photo blog I started many moons ago and I really need it fixed in time for xmas etc. If not, I'll just have to go and buy a new one. I also have to pick up two suits I had made. Theyre both single breasted. One, navy pinstripe with really wide lapels, very gangster-ish. It looks really good with a white shirt and this strange purple tie I also picked up. The other is plain black, two button. Theyre both really nice. Im not usually a suit wearer but as I er..'mature' I'm beginnning to get back into the smarter look I discarded upon hitting University.
I also need new jeans, smart and casual. I have my eyes on one or two pairs but with jeans I really have to go in and try a hundred pairs on to find the right ones. I also need new shoes - already picked out- and I'm tempted to buy a black Prada rucksack. Ive had my eye on it forever and I like the simplicty of it. Im also going to make a trip into sidebyside to see what they have :) I need to get things together for my trip home!