Nov 02, 2008 16:48
Surely not a strange question in this day and age but seem to be as rare as rocking horse shit?
All I want is a cheap - preferably sub £300 - laptop that doesn't come with bloody Vista on it IE something that boots and runs applications the same day that I want to use them and doesn't require most of the HDD to do so!
All I want it for is general day to day use:
Office/Open Office
Decent messenger that connects to Windows Live Messenger with video (as Skype isn't always the answer!)
Built in Wireless
Preferably built in webcam but not that important.
I know I could just get anything and either change to a dual boot or load Linux on myself but really don't want the hassle of of finding drivers and spending hours tweaking. Probably settle for XP at a push but object to buying yet another OS I don't need.
Only one I can find is
Dell Inspiron 1525 for £299 delivered which comes with Ubuntu
Acer Aspire One or Eee PCs are nice - Toni has the Acer - but a bit too small for me - Keyboard is fine but nowhere to comfortably rest hands when using mouse.
Mainly a rant but suggestions welcome!