Jul 26, 2006 16:46


I'm Chrissy. I'm eighteen && I'm on here to make more friends

&& compliments don't hurt.


When you hear my voice, I sound like a girl.

No joke.


I am going to go to college next year. Becuzz I've decided to save some money up for it. I want to go for ficitonal writing. I won't show you anything I write unless I'm really really happy about it and if I like you.

Then again, I guess, if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be talking to you.

I tend to space out, cuzz I'm not good at paying attention.

&& I wonder why I don't have a bf/gf.

I can deal without one, but a lover I can have one of those.

Lover and bestfriend usually means the same thing to me because haven't we all got wasted and did more than friends do?

No,well, alot of pplz I know do. Maybe it's becuzz where I live everyone is trying to be "ghetto".No, really they are.

There's this kid Kenny and he's really cute. He's P.Rican && has freckles. Adorable much? 'cept when he talks supposely since he's from the Bronx he says nigga in every sentence. I guess it makes it right for him.


Well, I haven't told you that much becuzz trust me, I could write ALOT more. Maybe another time, sweethearts.


= ]]
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