Oct 05, 2008 22:12
So, I moved house on Weds and I've not really had proper internet access since because I've broken my wireless thingy in the move. I Have got the Wii internet channel on my nintendo wii but it's pretty crap because you have you write by pointing the remote at an onscreen keyboard and it's almost more trouble than it's worth so I've not being doing anything online that involves much writing. I'm writing this on a friend's laptop.
On Friday I hosted a film quiz at Borders. It went so well that it's now going to become a regular event. I have very mixed feelings about this.
I say it went well. By that I mean more people turned up than expected and everyone seemed to go home vaguely satisfied but I don't think I excelled myself as a quiz host. The number of people there and the shit acoustics in Starbucks meant I had to nearly shout to be heard by everybody and I think that I was noticeably nervous. I tried to make a few self deprecating remarks and in that way make a virtue of my amateurishness. I certainly learnt a few lessons for next time. Like have the question numbers written down next to the questions.
Early on, when I was still feeling particularly nervous and awkward, I spotted Art bookseller Kate walking towards me, a smile on her face. For a brief, wildly optimistic moment I imagined she was coming to join me in some sort of act of solidarity or moral support. No such luck.
"Richard says I've got to take your fob." I didn't have much up there, standing alone in front of the quiz loving rabble. I'm not even sure I had dignity. But I had a fob, a talisman, a small sign of my professional standing at Borders. Now it was being taking away from me. I half expected Kate to return for the Borders shirt off my back!