Coolness all around...

Mar 05, 2004 10:01

So it looks like I'm going to Nationals for Debate. Yay! I just got accepted to the "Biggest Dorks of the World Convention". Actually, I'm really excited.

Ben Stein was hilarious. Wow, a former dope fiend activist turned presidential speech writer, turned economist, lawyer, writer and actor. He and I are much the same, conservatives who think (yes I know that you say our kind doesn't exist) about issues. Many people in the audience were actually responding really well to him until he said, gasp, that he was pro-life. The room went silent except for a row of 10 hard core conservatives in the front. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-life, but I must respect a man that comes to a predominantly liberal campus and speaks those views. The funny thing is that he held his own in question and answer, comparing abortion to slavery, how society's values can change over time into recognizing those who they formally considered not a real human being. Like me he wants to see the Republican party taken out of the hands of the Christian Right and placed back to the times of Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Nixon (before he decided to ruin his name and career by being a lying sack of shit).
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