(no subject)

Dec 27, 2008 03:55

Who's hoodie did you wear last?​​

Why, when,​and with who did you last go to the beach​?​​
Why: because it was hot
When: yesterday
With: family

Are you crushing on someone?​​
Much more than that.

Do you want to get married?​​

Who was the last person that made you cry?
umm this guy

What do you think​ about​ the last person you talked to?
my brothers a jerkkk haha

How are you feeling at this moment?​​
tired, hungry, and relaxed

What are you excited about​?​​
being in an exciting place

Do you think​ someone is thinking about​ you right​ now?
it'd be nice

What does your hair look like today​?​​
messy cause my brother just messed it up

Honestly,​if you could​ go back 5 months from now, would​you?
to July? umm i guess maybe...i loved september so i'd get to live it again

Do you know a few people that smoke​weed?​​
I kow alot of people who do

Do you know how many kids you want and what you'll named​ them?​​
idk yet but i know names...sage elizabeth, serena rae, riley christine, and jade katherine

Do you know anyone who drinks a lot?
Yep haha

Is there​ anyone you won't ever forget?​​

Would​ you rather go back a week or go forward?​​

Have a best friend?

What were you doing​at midnight last night​?​​

How long was your last phone​ call?​​
don't remember

What made you mad today​?​
a lil rain =[

What were you doing​ 2 hours​ ago?
reading a magazine

What do you want right​ now?

Did anyth​ing strange happe​n in the past 3 days?​​
Uhh not really

What's the weath​er outsi​de like?​​
rainy =[[[

The way to win your heart​ is?
just be nice & funny

Have you ever inten​tiona​lly tried​ to make anyon​e jealo​us?​​
yes haha

Are you too forgiving?​​

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?​​
A little bit

Last person you blocked on myspace?​​
i don`t have myspace

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff​ to and you're sure they won't tell?​​
Yes, a few

Does someo​ne like you?
i hope...

Does the last perso​n you held hands​ with mean anyth​ing to you?
umm...if it is who i think it is, then yeah

When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong​?​​
ohhh boy. don't wanna talk about that...

Who was the last person's voice​ you heard​?​​
my brother

Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor​?​​

Do you like your life as of now?
can't complain i guess

When will you kiss the last person you kissed again​?​​
haha omg thats SO complicated

Was the first​ person you talked to today​ male or female?​​

Is someone on your mind right​ now?

Do you belie​ve in love?​​

Do you get along​ with dudes​ or chick​s bette​r?​​
depends...girls can be bitchess...

What'​s a fact about​ the last perso​n who had their​ arms aroun​d you?
uhh she's my mom? haha

What do you curre​ntly hear right​ now?
some earth wind & fire music...not my choice haha

Could​ you go a day witho​ut eatin​g?​
hell no

What was for dinne​r last night​?​

Does the last perso​n you share​d a bed with mean anyth​ing to you?
oh well he's my brother...

Do you curse​ in front​ of your paren​ts?​
yeah they're chill

Have you ever fell aslee​p in someo​nes arms?​
not reallyy

Do you still​ talk to the perso​n you last kisse​d?​
more questions about himmm..? yeah we talk.

Does anyon​e hate you?
ohh yeah

What are you doing​ tonig​ht?​
eating then renting a movie & getting gelado :)

Have you ever seen your best frien​d cry?
yes =[

Have you ever playe​d a Wii?
yes, i have one :)

Who did you last talk to for longe​r than 10 minut​es on the phone​?​
umm i forget

Who was the first​ perso​n you talke​d to today​?​
my brother

Are you sarca​stic?​
yeah a little haha

Where​ were you at 2:00 this morni​ng?​

What color​ are your eyes?​

Do you hate anyon​e?​
yea a little...idk

Do you belie​ve in love at first​ sight​?​

What are you going​ to be for hallo​ween next?​
i think like jungle animals like cheetah zebra lion etc with some friends

Are your paren​ts home?​
uhh yeah

What'​s somet​hing that bothe​rs you about​ girls​?​
soooo bitchy sometimes arghh

How often​ do you hold back from sayin​g what you are think​ing?​
a lot...

Last serio​us hug?
define serious..?

Do you belie​ve that you can chang​e for someo​ne?​
for the better...yeah

What woke you up this morni​ng?​
my uncle

Would​ you go back in time to chang​e somet​hing?​

Will you be in a relat​ionsh​ip in four month​s?​
most likely no

Are you a cuddl​er?​

What are you excit​ed for?
being in a cool place

At the momen​t are you more warm or cold?​
veryy warm

Is there​ one song that remin​ds you of the whole​ summe​r?​
a lott do

Do you prefe​r warm or cold weath​er?​

Do you drive​ with your windo​ws up or down?​
up always

Do you think​ the drink​ing age shoul​d be lower​ed to 18?

What'​s a bad habit​ you have?​
i can't resist temptation

What is one thing​ you would​ love to happe​n today​?​
the sun to come out
The "I've come to realize" survey.

1. I've come to realize that, my last ex:
is one of my best friends haha

2. I've come to realize that, I talk:
waay too much

3. I've come to realize that, I love:
just being with my friends

4. I've come to realize that, I have:
some really good people in my life

5. I've come to realize that, I've lost:
too many friends.

6. I've come to realize that, I hate it when:
i lose anybody i love

7. I've come to realize that marriage is:
such a beautiful celebration

8. I've come to realize that, somewhere, someone is thinking:
something absolutely hilarious

9. I've come to realize that, I'll always be:
really trusting

10. I've come to realize that, I have a crush on:
too many guys

11. I've come to realize that, the last time I truly cried was:
when i realized how i'd lost a friend =[

12. I've come to realize that, my cell phone is:
my latest obsession

13. I've come to realize that, when I wake up in the morning:
I love to hit snooze

14. I've come to realize that, before I go to sleep at night I:
always think and watch t.v. in bed

15. I've come to realize that, right now I am thinking about:

16. I've come to realize that, babies:
are really cute

17. I've come to realize that, I get on myspace:
never, myspace sucks

18. I've come to realize that, today was:
different and nice

19. I've come to realize that, tonight I will:
relax and enjoy

20. I've come to realize that, tomorrow I will:
shop probably

21. I've come to realize that, I really want to:
have a boyfriend

22. I've come to realize that, the person who is most likely to repost this:
Is bored.
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
Sprite or 7-Up?: sprite.
Woohu or Blurty?: wtf
Tang or KoolAid?: KoolAid.
Coffee or Hot Chocolate?: cannnt choose
Milk Chocolate or White Chocolate?: can i have both? haha
Hawaii or Alaska?: Hawaii.
Japan or America?: America.

isn't it? ...?
BZOINK! or Quizilla?: wtf.
Ezboard or Proboards?: wtf.
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: twighlight.
Movies or Books?: Movies.
Boys or Girls?: Boys.
English or Japanese?: English.
Spanish or French?: espanol
Private or Public?: depends
Top or Bottom?: of what...?
Hug or Kiss?: Kiss.
One-Eyed Flying Purple People Eater or Blue Elephants with Green Poop?: oh okay...
Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights?: Aurora Borealis. but there the same thing
Canada or America?: americaa
Pokemon or Digimon?: Pokemon.
Japanese Animation or American Cartoons?: American.
Manga or Comic Books?: Neither.
Kyo and Tohru or Yuki and Tohru?: neither
Yu-Gi-OH! or Yuugiou?: neither
Spirited Away or Kiki's Delivery Service?: what
MegaTokyo or As If!?: Neither.
This or That?: That.
You or Me?: Me.
Forks or Spoons?: FORKS
Swords or Guns?: swords fasho
Cowboy Bebop or InuYasha?: omg wtf
Darkness or Death?: Darkness.
Legolas or Aragorn?: WTF
Arwen or Galadriel?: W.T.F.
Love or Hate?: Love.
Contentment or Anger?: Contentment.
Friends or Enemies?: Friends.
Vanilla or Strawberry?: vanilla
Ice Cream or Cake?: ice cream
The End or The Beginning?: The beginning.
Have you ever hit someone forcefully?: haha i guess
Have you ever thrown anything at a moving car?: mm no
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: not a serious one
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: everytime haha
Have you ever hit an animal on the road?: No, i`d cry
Have you ever seen a Beatles film?: no
Have you ever cussed?: All the time.
Have you ever been on a subway?: Yes.
Have you ever taught a little kid to cuss?: no thats bad
Have you ever cheated on a test/exam?: no i have SUCH consciese (idk how to spell)
Have you ever skipped school?: no
Have you ever egged someone's house?: No.
Have you ever gotten a computer virus?: yeah, who doesnt?
Have you ever cried for no reason at all?: Yes.
Have you ever missed someone?: All the time.

Did you wake up this morning?: to go out on a boat
Are you/aren't you employed?: cause i'm in school
Are you with/without the person you love?: Because he likes her =[
Do people attempt things they think they can't do?: because they're ambitious
Do people hate each other?: because people act dumb
Do people love each other?: so unexplainable...
Do so many people have jobs that they hate?: because the money is good
In the case of miscarriage, do we say that the mother "lost the baby"?: because its a softer term for something so sad
Doesn't Communism work?: it's evil
Do you like your favorite band?: HE is my life.
Do you like your favorite food?: its delicious
Do you practice/not practice Public Displays of Affection?: it can be cute
Do you want to leave/stay?: Huh?
Ask why?: because i can
How old were you when you had your first relationship?
11 haha

Are you taken/single?

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
12 i think

What color is your underwear?

Do you like anyone right now?

Ever had your heartbroken?

Miss anyone right now?

Who was the last person you sent a text to?

Last person to text you?

Last person you saw?
my whole family

What was the last thing you said to someone?
i laughed...

Who is top in your top friends?
my best friends

Who do you trust the most in your life?
my best friend

Who do you love most?
can't decide

Ever been in love?

Who has hurt you the most?
a few people

Has a tragedy ever happened in your life?
doesn't it always?

Are you happy?
pretty much, im optimistic

How many good friends do you have?
um between 5 and 10

Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone?
oh my gosh yes

Have you ever cheated on a partner?

Ever been cheated on?

Ever been told someone loved you?

Ever told someone you loved them and meant it?

Not meant it?

Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now?

What is your idea of true love?
so hard to put into words

When they slip, do you think you can let go the small stuff?
i guess, yeah

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Why or why not?
Its a connection thing

Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love?
not really, sometimes

Do you believe that love can be found in bars or is that too much of a risk?
No way

Should people go to bars to find love?

Or should they go to places where people who like what they like hang out?

Should men and women be expecting the other to buy the other gifts?

Who should wear the pants in the relationship or should it be a mutual give and take?

What is your favorite flavor of Skittles?
orange. only.

What annoys you more than anything when it comes to restaurants?
hair in food. omg ew.

One thing that makes you happier than anything else. Why do you think it makes you so happy?
always on my mind

Who is the sexiest person you know?
chris brown...but i don't know him...

Last serious hug?

Is it hard leaving people behind?

When was the last time you had butterflies?
today i think

What was the last thing you spent your money on?

Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with?

Name someone you miss..

Have you ever lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend?

What do you have pierced on you?
my ears

What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?
BIG issues.

Are you dating the last person you kissed?
i kind of wish...

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a D and regretted it?

Your current relationship status?

When is the last time you took a nap?
i hate naps

Are you happier when you're single or in a relationship?
really depends

What instant messaging service do you use?

What color is your hair?

What would you do if your last crush came up to you and apologized for something they did?

Who was the last person you were under a blanket with?
um one of my friends

How old were you when you received your first kiss?

Who was your first kiss?
my 6th grade boyfriend lol

Do you believe in karma?

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Are you happy with the life you have?

2. Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone else?
Be rejected by someone else.

3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?

5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was a required class?
haha i guess

6. What's the last thing you drank?
coke zero

7. Have you been on a date in the past week?

8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
im on one now

9. Have you ever thrown up from working out?

10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
a mix

11. Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn’t know what was going on?

12. Do you like pulpy orange juice?

13. Are you touchyfeely?
i can be

15. Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?

17. What could you tolerate... someone who snores or a sleep walker?
Snorer, im afraid of sleepwalkers

18. Do you consider yourself bipolar?

19. What's something your friends make fun of you for?
my idiot moments

20. What's your worst personality flaw?
I trust way too easily

21. Have you ever gone to therapy?

23. Have you ever ridden an elephant?

24. Are you irish in any way?

25. Have you ever ridden in a UHaul?

26. Do you like to play Scrabble?

27. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
by accident haha

28. Have you ever drank Jack Daniels?

30. What are you saving your money up for right now?
clothes i guess

31. What was the last gift card you received?

32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

35. What do you do if you see a really gross bug?
Scream and kill it.
1) Are you really ready for 119 questions?

2) Was your last relationship a mistake?

3) Do you believe in God?

4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
my brother

5) Do you regret it?

6) Have you ever been depressed?
i guess

7) Have a best friend?

8) Are you a boy or girl?

11) What did you last eat?

12) How many real relationships have you had?

13) How many times have you been in love?
a few i guess.

14) When was your last non-physical fight?
urgh a few days ago...maybe like a week

15) Do you have an attitude?
yeahh haha

6) Ever been in love?

18) What are you watching on tv now?
i am legend

19) Your favorite cousins middle name?
umm rachel

20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
a little

21) Do you miss someone?

22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?

23) Do you tan a lot?

24) Have any pets?
dog =]

25) How exactly are you feeling?

26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?

27) Ever made out in the bathroom?

28) Would you take any of your exes back?
umm no

29) Are you scared of spiders?

30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Not really

31) Do you regret anything in your past?
No regrets, even though i guess i do

32) What are your plans for this weekend
enjoying warm weather & exploring

33) Do you want to have kids?

34) Ever kissed someone and there name started with a "M"?

35) Are you in love?

36) Do you have piercings?

37) Want more?

38) Can you spell well?

39) Do you miss anyone from your past?
who doesn't?

40) What are you craving right now?

41) Ever been to a bonfire party?

42) whats your favorite song?
Fatal attraction by Chris Brown

43) Have you ever been on a horse?

44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck?

45) Have you ever broken someone's heart?

46) Have you ever been cheated on?

47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
umm maybe

48) Last movie you've seen?
I am legend, currently watching almost famous

49) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Um maybe

50) What should you be doing?

51) What's irritating you right now?
Idk, anxiety

52) Do you like/love anyone?

53) Does somebody love you?
I guess so

54) What is your favorite color?

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
haha yep

57) Ever received a ring from someone?

59) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?

60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

61) Do your parents have you spoiled?

62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
We're like best friends

63) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My fam, sad movie

64) Do you give out second chances too easily?

65) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
i guess forigve

66) Is this year the best year of your life?

68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?

69) Do you think you're a good person?

70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?

72) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life

73) What is bothering you?

74) Have you ever been out of state?

76) Are you listening to music right now?
no, movie

77) Do you like Chinese food?

79) Are you afraid of the dark?

80) Is cheating ever okay?

81) Are you mean?

82) Can you keep white shoes clean?
That's impossible.

83) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?
i guess

84) Do you believe in true love?

85) Are you proud of the person you've become?

Where is 86 and 87?
haha okay

88) Do you like the outside?
when its warm

89) Are you currently bored?
Kind of

91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Yeah =]

92) Are you hungry?
Not really.

93) Do you have a bank account?

94) What makes you happy?
friends, fun, chris brown, etc

95) Would you change your last name?
when I get married

96) Ever been to Alaska?


98) Do you watch the news?
idk sometimes

100) Do you like Subway?
umm kinda

101) Are you gay?

102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?

103) Do you talk like your friends?


105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
haha yeah

106) What song are you currently listening to?

107) Who is the last guy you talked to?
my brother

108) Does it matter if your boyfiend/girlfriend smokes?
uhh it does, but theres exceptions

110) what's going on between you and your best friend?
friendship, no problems, sall good =]

111) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?

112) Have you ever regretted letting someone go?

113) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos?
umm in moderation

114) What do you wear more: jeans, sweats, or shorts?

115) You're a Sharpie marker, what color are you?
silver or orange

116) Who's your favorite sports team?
miami heat / yankees

117) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?

118) Have you ever said you'd never love again?
not really

119) Do you want to please everyone?
idk a little
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