09:15:52: Obama's long form birth certificate should be hung like a millstone around necks of teahadists and republicans that courted them.
09:45:26: RT @JoshMalina: Barack Obama is people! Barack Obama is PEOPLE!!!
19:57:09: RT @tomtomorrow: talk radio host (interviewed me recently) @ nicolesandler arrested for speaking at congressional town hall: http://bit.l ...
19:57:11: RT @tomtomorrow: weirdly I don't remember the tea party hecklers getting arrested and maced.
21:19:02: So, questioning of Long form BC, and questioning Obama's education... so predictable Helen Keller could have seen it coming.
23:07:25: Well, that was fun. A good chunk of West Des Moines had a blackout for about 30-45 minutes, maybe less.