Mar 05, 2012 14:44
Like many of you, I am deeply saddened by the death of Paul Haines today. We have known for a long time that this day was coming - despite hoping that somehow it would turn out otherwise - and perhaps that softened the blow, but only a little. And if I'm sad, how much worse must it be for his wife Jules and daughter Isla and the rest of his family. They have my heartfelt sympathy.
This is the last email I wrote to Paul only days ago; I don't know if he saw it, but it says all I can think of saying.
Hi Paul,
There are few words to adequately say what I want to say here, so I will keep this as brief and cogent as I can.
Goodbye, my friend. I deeply admire and respect you. For the courage you’ve shown in your fight over the past few years; your honest and unflinching writing about that journey; the way you opened your life to us.
That same honesty came through in your stories. You were willing to visit dark places that many writers attempt to reach, but few as successfully and skillfully as you. Good writing comes when the writer lays part of themselves on the page for all to see. It was always fun trying to guess where in your stories the truth ended and fiction began! I am so sorry that we won’t see more Haines stories or the novels you would have written. You really are one of our best.
I remember our days at Clarion very fondly, and all the times we’ve met since then. Remember that last night at Clarion when somehow several of us ended up sitting around in our undies, drinking and laughing and wishing it didn’t have to end? Great days.
I’m glad to know you. You won’t be forgotten. You will be missed.
Your friend,