how my week end went

Mar 14, 2005 12:42

well my week end did not go to plan. DD did not come down and it kinda pissed me off when she didnt call to let me know she was not going to come down so I pretty much told her dont bother talking to me again. I really hate it when people tell you one thing and then switch plans without informing you so you sit at home waiting on them and passing up the chance of going to a beach cabon party and any other plans you may have for the week end. it really did piss me the fuck off. so I got a little tipsy at my friend Danny's house. I didnt get shitfaced but I had a few drinks. then I was woke up the next day by my grandma in Wildwood. she needed me to pick up my cousin Roy and she wanted us to work on her garden. well seeing as how I didnt have any plans for the day and she would most likly give me gas money I was like sure. so I went and picked up Roy and we had a nice ride out there. mainly just bullshiting and listening to music the whole way and hanging out the windows yelling at chicks on the way. well we got there and spent about 30 mins on the flower bed and then after that I helped my grandpa with his new hard drive he wanted to put on his 6 year old PC. the DFI P2xDL Rev. D2 motherboard was so out of date that it would not be able to read the 200 gig WD hard drive so im suposed to be looking for parts to build him a PC that would hold that hard drive. so I spend about 30 mins disecting his system and giving him some helpful tech pointers when disasembling his system. then Roy and I are about to leave and grandma gives me 20 bux for gas and then gives us each a check for 75 bux. I was thinking Fuckin-A right grandma thanks. so we leave Wildwood and stop by the store for beer. after that we book it to Warren to go see my mom. already she had BBQ ribs and even a cherry pie for me. I already ate at grandmas so I told her when we where leaving I would take some with me. so we chill with her for about 30 mins then head out to Ivanhoe to see my good friend Ryan and his family. well we chilled and drank some beer and then desided to make a beer run. so we got in my car and cruised to the closest redneck bar for been and end up paying 20 bux for 24 beers(fuckin rip off). so we got shitty some more and I desided that the speed lemit signs are on the side of the road for decorations and a jesture of a safe speed. so 3 drunk people are hanging out of a cruiser passing up rednecks at about 115 and throwing up fake gangsigns as we past them. it was fuckin priceless. Then after we finished the beer we went to my friend Quinns house to chill with him. we chilled for a wile and drank some wine and argued about who has the biggest penis and how wal-mart has the strongest kung-fu. after that I drive Ryan and Pinky home. I think Pinky fell asleep in the car cause he didnt want to get out of the car. after getting him out of the car we booked ass back home. we made it in record time, 25-30 mins. I was doing 120 all the way back at 2 in the morning. if we would have been pulled over they would have put us both in jail. all in all I had a ok week end.
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