Mar 07, 2011 16:39
“I’m always telling young people: develop your talents and they will make a way for you. You’re only as good as what you can do with those talents. Only they will make your way - not some networking person that you schmoozed. So if God is moving you into an arena that you know nothing about, but He has given you the talents to be able to do it, you will not be alone. You will never be alone. The guidance is always there. We just have to be willing to listen and see - which has always been the hardest thing for me to do, because I always want to do everything on my own and do what I want to do and what I think is best!”
“Epiphany” Elise Ballard (from Elizabeth Avellan)
Очень эта книга нравится. Понятный язык изложения, удобная структура. Книга состоит из коротких рассказов-интервью. Автор спрашивает у людей, достигших нужного им успеха в жизни о моментах озарения, которые позволили понять что-то важное и изменить жизнь, часто не только интервьюироваемого. Много простых и полезных мне сейчас мыслей.