Apr 20, 2014 18:35
It's been a while since we have seen Steve and Chris together, them 'talking' together on Twitter, or even them talking about each other in public.
Today, Steve did a StageIt show (which was awesome btw) with a Q&A afterwards, during which Chris was mentioned!
Q: Whats your fave song you have ever co-wrote?
Steve: i co-wrote a few of my songs but for other people, I always love More Than I Deserve" that I co-wrote with Chrisitan Kane.
Q: any chance of more collaboration with kane?
Steve: Not sure. I don't know how much time either of us has?
When asked in general who he enjoyed working with in the past:
Steve: I have really enjoyed playing with so many people. Love writing songs with Jensen Ackles. Really love jamming loud on stage with Kane.
Happy memories!
Thank you to those who asked these questions :)
steve carlson