Disclaimer: I dont own anything or anyone! The boys and any other people appearing belong only to themselves. All arosen from my very weird fantasy. Not true (though i wouldnt mind), no harm intended, no money made.
Title: Amercian Made
shellsie27Alpha reader:
_gameover_(who was pretty important for this one, as it had to work for somebody NOT knowing the guys inside out!)
Wordcount: 755
Pairing: Steve/Chris
Rating: PG (in parts) up to R'ish (better safe than sorry, right?)
Summary: Steve and Christian - through the years.
Author's note: I had that idea of using Amercian Made for a fic for a while now but only recently found a way to make it work.
American Made (finished) is
HERE (every part is linked to the next one so you get the full fic)