Oh look, timely and early enough in the day that it might not get buried. It's FIC FRIDAY
This week, we have a pic prompt (donated from an anonymous member, from Sin City 3), a text prompt (no not a real quote this time, just something some of us thought was cool) AND, if you're daring, a crossover prompt
But first, those brave souls who answered the last prompt!
We had a Limerick from our Official Limericist,
Here" Et c'est tout!!!
So onto this week and I hope this will get your creative juices flowing!
"You're my very best friend, Christian"
"And you're mine too, Steve"
"And we'll always be friends, forever"
"Yeah, forever"
And now the text prompt:
"Livin' with Steve this long, you know, he got a giggle, cackle or laugh for every occasion"
And now, the crossover... Kane with Gilligan's Island. You can choose who is Skipper and who is Gilligan.
Go, write, link back to this post and TAG your entries with Fic Friday!! HYPNOTOAD COMPELS YOU
Yes, I will be accepting suggestions for next week's Halloween Special