Title: Musicians & villains
jesco0307 Beta:
yanzadracan - all remaining mistakes belong to me
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 5803 (+35 000)
Pairings/Characters: Chris/Steve, appearances by Darren, Jason, Will, Ryan, Riley, Jensen and various others
Warnings: sexual situations, hurt/comfort
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and comes from my imagination, I don't own the people in it.
Summary: Strange things happen in Steve's studio. Who's messing with things? (slightly AU)
AN1: Thanks to
kadams27 who bounced ideas with me, did a killer job on research and helped me make the fic to what it is. I hope you like the result!
AN2: For those who don't read WIP - the fic is finished, last part is sent to my beta. All parts will be up at the end of next week.
AN3: Banner made for me by
dreamers_dh. It's awesome, thank you so much!
Part 4