May 27, 2004 00:42
so summer...
it's been pretty good so far. i absolutely adore being home with nothing to worry about. i still have yet to find a job, hah will i ever? things are looking on the no side of things... oh well! past couple of days have been a blast though! my kateness and i have def been having lots of fun! i saw shrek 2 last night with her and greg and i must say it was soooooo CUTE. then i finally saw the goonies, i know i know, me and greg were like the only people on the earth that hasn't seen it, but now i have and i LOVE chunk! awww and sloth.. "sloth love chunk!" AHAHAAAH!! so funny. tonight we went down to boston and saw treva. interesting ride down... haha, but we got there and it was fuuuuun as always! SOOON the franzia and sloves friends will all be reunited there too! wooot wooot! :) then in a little under a month it's off i go on vacation! SO EXCITED I CAN NOT EVEN EXPRESS IN WORDS!!!!! but anyways i am exhausted, and tomorrow i need to do my thousand pounds of laundry.. mah. ok so i'm off... NIGHT!