this is me being boooorreeeddd! :)

Nov 09, 2003 01:16

[my name is] christy... christy pie... crispy joo... crispy m&m's
[in the morning i am] grumpy
[all I need is] a kiss from you
[love is] wicked weird... haha
[I'm afraid of] death
[I dream about] hah who knows!

-.F A V O R I T E S.-
[color] pink
[number] 7
[subject] math b/c im good at it
[clothing brand] express
[shoe brand] steve madden
[sport to play] shopping! haha
[drink] ice tea... long island style.
[animal] puppies
[holiday] christmas
[favorite line from a movie] Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most.
[band] eh i dunno!
[movie] so many to choose from... mmm currently... italian job

-.H A V E.Y O U.E V E R.-
[pictured your crush naked?] who hasn't!
[actually seen your crush naked] getting personal aren't we?!
[had sex] none of your business
[made love] i retstate my previous answer
[been in love] yes
[cried when someone died] yes
[lied] pathologically sometimes!

-.W H O.-
[makes you laugh the most?] whoever is around!
[makes you smile] brian :o)
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them] again, brian!
[has a crush on you?] who would have a crush on me?! haha
[easiest to talk to] ian, daniellelelelee, lizbeth, alethea!

-D O.Y O U.E V E R.-
[sit on the Internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] umm not really
[save aol/aim conversations] really GOOD ones.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex] when i'm having one of those days...
[cry because of someone saying something to you] haha i always cry!

-.H A V E.Y O U.E V E R.-
[fallen for your best friend] nopeeee
[been rejected] HA
[rejected someone] umm
[used someone] never
[been cheated on] not to my knowledge
[done something you regret] yah i have my moments

-.W H O.W A S.T H E.L A S T.P E R S O N.-
[you talked to on the phone] my mommy
[hugged] brian
[instant messaged you] ian!
[you laughed with] alethea... oh man we are crazzyy!

-.D O.Y O U / A R E.Y O U.-
[smoke] cigarettes, no.. cigars, sometimes
[obsessive] depends with what... ebay, definetly!
[could you live without the computer?] yes, but it wouldn't be pretty
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?] 153
[what's your favorite food?] pasta
[whats your favorite fruit?] grapes... only if frozen
[drink alcohol?] yup
[like watching sunrises or sunset] sunsets
[trust others way too easily?] not really

-.N U M B E R.-
[of times I have had my heart broken?] truly... once
[of hearts u have broken?] none ahha
[of continents I have lived in?] two
[of drugs taken illegally?] uhhhhhh
[of tight friends?] 4
[of cd's that I own?] A LOT
[of scars on my body ?] woah too many to count!
[of things in my past that I regret?] i haven't a clue

-.P I C K.O N E.-
[marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend] both hehe
[cats or dogs] dogs
[1 pillow or 2] 2
[w/ or w/out ice cubes] with
[top or bottom] bottom
[winter/spring/summer/fall] spring
[night or day] night
[gloves or mittens] mittens
[dressed or undressed] depends.. haha jk
[bunk or water bed] water bed
[mtv or vh1] mtv
[ocean or pool] pooool
[shower or bath] shower
[love or lust] love all the way
[silver or gold] platinum, oh yah
[diamonds or pearls] diamonds

-.I F.Y O U.C O U L D.-
[Move anywhere] london!!!
[Meet one famous person] justin timberlake baby!
[Live with one person the rest of your life] that's tough... i'm not sure.
[Name one thing you love] hmmm... FOOD! eeee! haha actually i love laughing!
[Name one thing that embarrasses you] not much... haha
[Do you like school?] its alright
[Do you like to talk on the telephone?] absolutly!
[Do you like to dance?] always
[Do you sing in the shower?] haha not really here... but at home YES!
[Do you think cheerleading is a sport?] sure
[Whats's on your ceiling?] whiteness
[What's the hardest thing about growing up?] moving on...
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