A new writing project - the TV spec script

Feb 28, 2009 15:33

Over at the awesome Verla Kay boards, I read about the Austin Film Festival's contest for screenplays, including teleplays. And I thought maybe trying my hand at a spec script would help jump start my writing which has grown way past stale since graduation.

The deadline is June 1st, so I figure that gives me plenty of time to write a spec script. Now I just have to figure out which show. Here's a partial list of shows I enjoy:

30 Rock
CSI (even though I still haven't accepted Petersen's depature)
The Office

I think I'm leaning more toward CSI, Dollhouse, and The Office, but I'm open to any other suggestions you might have. Or any advice about writing specs or just getting back into the habit of actually writing.

X posted at Facebook and MySpace.

writing, tv, writing contests/ops

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