Jun 25, 2022 07:23
well, i KNEW if i just kept trying, LJ would eventually wake up and let me back into this account. YAY PERSISTENCE!
so, as an update: new (two years old) SSD went BOOM. i lost a ton of crap - pictures, financial records, etc. it was an un-fun time. i know i can grab my pictures off FB eventually (glad i didn't finish deleting EVERYTHING) and i still have access to livejournal and DW to dl my blog again, and music is fairly easy to get back... but my D&D prep, my old fanfiction that didn't get uploaded, a lot of work stuff - it's all on two corrupted hard drives. i never should have deleted my backup to make a Windows boot disk; the damn thing didn't work anyway (laptop OR desktop).
i've been tearing into the garden. i've completed my initial goal of getting rid of the grass in the side-back yard. through a lucky convergence of finally trying the haulers that will bring stuff from OCRRA (mulch, compost) and one of my clients working at a place where i can get awesome cardboard, i'm FINALLY making strides. the front righthand side yard (orchard) looks pretty damn good, and the back has been cleared, so that's a thing.
i also finally decided on new raised beds and bought a couple. this is their test run. but that was my "Silver" level goal. my "Gold" goal is to clean out the backyard again, and i'm maybe a quarter of the way through; it's a huge project. but with enough cardboard, all is possible.
my current fanfic is coming along. i'm currently working on the FIFTY-FIRST video! :O if you'd told me two years ago, i would learn to edit video and post over 50 videos this past year and a half, i would have told you you were nuts.
D&D was fun... until i lost all my extensive prep work. i still have what i uploaded to Roll20, and i have to run tonight, so we'll see how it goes. but i had a SHIT-TON of backstory and setting docs saved (timeline, NPC descriptions, etc) for the long-haul story, and it's all gone. i can haz a sad about that. then again, my group doesn't get to meet that often and we have THREE people who can DM, so maybe it's good that i don't settle in.
i finally got the flat on my bike fixed. i'd worked back up to my 20-mile ride, and the rear tire went flat, luckily less than a mile from home. i bought a couple new really good tires... but the bike rack i wanted to add is not going to work; my stem isn't long enough. which, sad face.
i've gotten VERY little house reno done. i had an extensive mental list for this summer (floors, painting walls, etc) but i think what i really need to do (given the energy crisis) is look into getting the damn furnace replaced... and i'm considering quotes for a heat pump. i do also need to do something about the downstairs bathroom. i almost don't care what it looks like right now, but i want to get the tub out and replace it with a shower stall so that i can stop worrying about mom stepping in and out of the tub.
also, feeding the stray cats because... i can't let them starve. feeding everything, really: birds, plants, cats. and yes, Brigid is doing well.
how are all of YOU?