Somehow, Twenty Years

Sep 22, 2024 19:56

September 22, 2004. I don’t remember how the weather was that day. I don’t remember my mood, how the day had gone, what I was reading, but I did a thing: create my LiveJournal account. I’d been reading and posting comments on LJ accounts (from people on a long-gone Fans Of Caitlín R. Kiernan and Poppy Z. Brite forum) using the Anonymous Comment function, though always making sure to sign my name, but I thought Dude, I’ll look on-the-level more if I make an account. And I did.

Twenty years. That’s longer than I’ve been in formal education. That’s a large chunk of my adulthood. That’s slightly shorter than the time I’ve been an uncle. I’d kept journals before, first in a handful of notebooks starting in high school and then in the laptop computer I used in college, but I’ve put many, many, many words of my thoughts here. You can still see them.

I’ve rarely had to delete entries. I’m very lucky and privileged I’ve never had to go to only Friends-Only posting. Many of the best bloggers I know and knew were not so lucky, and had to lock their accounts to avoid harassment. Grr. On a happier note, some of my words here have been good. Some have been poetic, which was one of my goals in the first place; I’ve long tried to be more poetic.

I have no idea how much longer I’ll blog. The blog-heavy era of the Internet has most likely come and gone. But eventually, even if I go a while without blogging, at some point I miss it. I really miss writing and posting poems (LET THAT BE A REMINDER, ME).

Thank you, LiveJournal, for being here. And thank you, everyone who’s read what I’ve posted.
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