I just did a surprisingly Beavis-and-Butthead-like dance to the Logan Whitehurst (rest in peace) song "Happy Noodle Versus Sad Noodle":
Happy Noodle led the sort of life the working stiff dreams about: driving a Studebaker, makin' pies with his wife, takin' a dip in the ol' swimmin' hole, yessir, Happy Noodle had it good and he wasn't complaining. He always waved hello and always smiled and always tipped his hat and said, "Nice weather we're having," regardless of the weather. ("Nice weather we're having!")
Now, as most protagonists do, he had an antagonist, a polar opposite bent on nullifying his happy existence. His name was Sad Noodle, a pathetic excuse for an egg and flour mixture with a little extra water just for tears. He worked in a successful firm and was under a lot of stress, and this is the story of their ultimate battle.
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
One day as Happy Noodle was out mowing the lawn with a smile and a song, an Edsel pulled up in front of the house. It was Sad Noodle. He leaned his ropy head out of the window and he said, "Look, Happy Noodle, I'm sick of being your polar opposite, you know, sad all the time and what not. It makes it hard to get along. I've come to challenge you to a duel to the death." So Happy Noodle put down the mower and obliged, saying, "If it'll make you happy," and Sad Noodle cringed. He hopped into the back seat and they were off to the gravel pit, Happy Noodle singing all the way, and Sad Noodle driving like a madman. "This will end it all," thought Sad Noodle, and they prepared for the fight. Strange sight, two noodles standing face to face, one smiling and one frowning.
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
Thinking on his feet, Sad Noodle used his head as a whip and tried to trip Happy Noodle, but he slipped and he flipped face first on the ground with a sound like a wet noodle slapping the ground kind of sound. Then, Happy Noodle wrapped Sad Noodle up around a tree and said, "See, Sad Noodle, don't you mess with me, 'cause I be the baddest noodle there will ever be."
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
So after Happy Noodle untied Sad Noodle, they got back in the car. Sad Noodle, defeated, dejected, depressed, dropped Happy Noodle off at his door and said, "You know what? I don't think that helped me very much." And Happy Noodle said, "Sad Noodle, why don't you come in for some pie?" And Sad Noodle said, "No I'm sorry, I don't like pie all that much, but thanks all the same."
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle! Happy Noodle vs. Sad, Sad Noodle!
(Lyrics found
here, along with this disclaimer: "The lyrics here were written by, belong to, and are copyright Logan Whitehurst. If you try to pretend otherwise, Vanilla will beat you up.")