(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 18:05

So last night was the first time going to Celebrities, one of the gay clubs on Davie street. I was curious to make the comparison to Hamilton's humble Embassy club. Shall we?

Embassy: semi-cramped dance space with stage in corner, mirrors.
Celebrities: ginormous dance space in the centre of the club with a stage with one of those cool misted-glass wall thingies so that silhouettage ensued.

Embassy: two bars, one downstairs, one upstairs.
Celebrities: two bars, both downstairs, spanning the entire left and right side walls.... six to eight bartenders, including at least 3 verrry cute ones.

Embassy: usually a handful of cute guys
Celebrities: SO. MANY. DAMN. HOT. GUYS.

Embassy: dirty.
Celebrities: not dirty.

Now, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Embassy... the dilapidated qualities it has give it a very homey feeling, it's true. I also kind of miss the more poppy-cheesy-gay-anthems played at Embassy, but oh well. I was ecstatic that they played Scissor Sisters, which would have never happened in Hammy. All in all, I am happy to report that I have successfully found an Embassy substitute. Huzzah!

I just hope I don't have meningitis now... admittedly there was some makey-outey that occurred with a handsome man (hmm, not really a handsome man... more of a beefcake. Tehe) and apparently it's going around the Vancouver gay scene. I have to get immunized as soon as I a. find a place to get innoculated and b. get an Emla patch. Yes, I admit, I'm a baby.

I also found out that no matter what I will be admitted into either the orchestra or wind ensemble, since it's a requirement for the BMUS program. Thank goodness, I had a vision of being stuck in the University Singers for a year which, although filled with many handsome tenors, would have been craptacular. Also I will be taking the Chamber Ensemble course after all, I'll be matched up with some other first year instrumentalists to form a trio or quartet or something like that based on our schedules and availabilities. Fun!

Time to go practice and such.
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