Oct 24, 2012 07:15
This video got posted to Reddit where this 'video activist' wanted to enter a courtroom in Idaho with his video camera. He was insulting and combative to the guards at the court, and got past their security check area with his camera and managed to get into a court room where he sat down with his camera.
Guards came in, and ordered him to turn it off, which he refused. The court ended up having to end proceedings and leave the room because of this asshole. Finally, the guards set themselves up in front of the entrances to the other court rooms and it was only when the guy tried to force his way past one of them that he got rightfully tazered.
But yanno, WHAT THE FUCK? This asshole had people bending over backward for him. They emptied a court room for him, rather than drag his stupid ass out.
Yet, some people get their asses kicked by police because they had the audacity to ask why they're being pulled over.
If you got some time to kill, I'm sure you can find this video on youtube by searching for Idaho, courtroom camera activist.