I've been neglecting this journal. Thinking that maybe if I don't think about things, they'll go away and leave me alone. But they never do.
Traditionally, Judgement Day is a day of reckoning, where you must answer for your actions and your inactions. The tie to Justice cannot be missed, and in a sense, Judgement is an elaboration on cause and effect, and on the notion of cosmic justice. In the light of Judgement the effects of your actions and inactions do not exact a toll or give a reward on the physical plane, but on the spiritual level. Where you have been determines where you are going, and what you have done plays a role in what you still must do.-
interpretation of the Tarot card Judgement. So now
Leo knows. Joy. Now he can do what he does best. Leave. I just hope that he hurries up and does it, so we can all get on with our lives.
At least now I know, a little, what it's like to be Wyatt. How easy it is to let anger, and bitterness, and... everything... take over. When the power was there, boy, did I grab it. And the thing is? I enjoyed it. I had the power to hurt Leo, pay him back, and I used it. It wasn't the demon, it was me. And I don't know that I wouldn't do it again, in the same circumstances.
mom? That Dennis guy was asking about you. You know the one, works at the bar? He seems pretty cool. Steady, someone that you can count on, might stay around for a while.