(no subject)

Jan 10, 2005 07:14

Bjork Mural, Day 2

I love being made stupid by my own self in front of a teacher who didn't think I read the book I loved reading.

Ms. Burke,
I have made the stupid mistake of not setting my alarm clock early
enough and upon waking this morning, I would've had to have warping
abilities to be able to make it in to the Clockwork Orange discussion
this morning, but I don't have those abilities, so I will obviously
not be able to make it.

I know this was already a demonstration of grace to your students by
allowing them to discuss it this morning, and, hopefully, I'm not the
only one writing you a desperate e-mail.

But, I want to know if there is anything -- ANYTHING I could do to
make up the grade. I will come in 3rd period. I will come in at lunch.
I will come in 2nd period. Any period of the day, any day.
I will fix all of your computers.
I will seriously shine your shoes.
I will bring in summaries and analyses of each of Shakespeare's plays
and sonnets every day until the end of school.
I will burn you any CD you want. Any CD. I will burn 100 CDs you want.
I will confess something embarassing in front of the class, even if it
isn't true.
I will shave my head.
Seriously Ms Burke, I'm begging you to let me do SOMETHING, I'm
begging for mercy and grace. I read A Clockwork Orange and I loved it,
I just physically haven't been able to show up to any of the times you
had available last week. Please let me be able to come in 3rd period
and discuss it with you.

Please let me do something, I'll do anything.


Her reply:


This alone is worth an extra moment's grace.  Come in 3rd, 8th, or after
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