No One Said It Would Be This Hard...

Jan 17, 2009 15:26

I know some say this a lot but this has truly been the hardest time of my life. It all started so innocent, some friends opening up a business together. The thing I remember most was that on one fateful day I had a panic attack. Panic attacks are not something that happens a lot to me, I can count the few I have had on one hand. But this was different, it was almost knowing. At the start of this all I confronted one of my business partners and tried to back out of doing this. I was happy with my life, I worked 18 hours a week and traveled every three months. The last thing I told him I did not want was to work 70 to 90 hours a week. He promised that we were doing this together and not too much in my life would change. That was the first of many promises he would break.

So many things have gone wrong...almost too many to list:
hiring the wrong people
sabotage from contractor's employees
partners ordering products for their dream bars, yet not what would sell
chef not understanding what a p&l is
kitchen crew walking out a week before Christmas
liquor licenses coming in late
no one listening to me about lose of money
And the topper...I started working with my two best friends. But when the stress started shortly after we opened, they would rather find peace in a bottle and left me on my own. Believe it or not they are now both in rehab and I am left alone with two new partners still working 70 to 80 hours a week. 60 hours or more at my bar and still the 18 hours at the Eagle. I really need to work at the Eagle due to not making any more at my own bar - or money pit as I lovingly call it in my head.

I feel like I have nothing left! All my trust, hope, faith in my first partners is lost. Let's just say I have a lot of anger towards them. Not sure how I am going to work this one out!

This may be my life, but it's not the one I wanted...
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