Jun 22, 2004 21:04
Well, I get to go do my dance over at another camp for two weeks starting Friday. I dunno if they have Net access there. I'm hoping yes.
I've been working for the most part, only bootleg copies of the latest movies to keep me entertained. Chronicles of Riddick was a LOT better than I thought it'd be, although I think they'd have done better to stretch that plot into a trilogy (it feels too packed for one movie).
Hellboy, that one was great. Seeing a demon who didn't get all high and mighty is always fun.
Prisoner of Azkhaban was typical Harry Potter fare. The upshot was that it's the easiest book made to a movie because it was the shortest. Downside was that it revealed way too quickly who Peter Pettigrew really was when you saw it on screen. Just proof that some suspense is much easier to preserve OFF the screen. Ian McKellan still isn't quite the Dumbledore he should be, but he's getting the hang of it quite well. Going from Gandalf the Gravely Serious to Albus the Big Kid is a helluva change to make.
Well, I guess I've got time to ponder more stuff.
Still wish I knew how Raven and Amber were doin'. I know about everyone else I need to.