Moving "Outside the Box"

Aug 12, 2004 11:36

Well, I talked to Kevin awhile ago and he saw my LJ and shuddered at it. While I don't think the LJ guys do a bad job, he offered me a spot on his custom blog site, and since it accesses a lot faster (and is a smoother interface), I'm gonna do my major posts over there.

You'll understand when you go there. Right now, it interfaces almost identically to this current LJ site. While I'm back home, I hope to use some down-time to readjust and customize the site better than what I can do with LJ.

I'll still make some random posts on this one, but this will be more for commenting to everyone else's posts.

Hell, it's not like too many people read this journal anyway.

So, without further adue..reservations...whatever...

Yeah, so he can not only get me MY username (curse the LJ user who stole it and didn't use it), but he can slap it on the subdomain as well. Spiffy.

If I'm not mistaken, everyone can comment. I'll try and get it to where all your icons will display, if I can.
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