Dec 11, 2003 00:48
I've began to realize an error in my ways that really hadn't bothered me in sometime.
Maybe because I was caught up in so much frustration
over all the stuff that happened at 368.
But I was once again trying to get a reaction out of someone and this time I actually thought about it.
How i felt when someone actually found something that I was worried about, a weakness that I let get to me and attacked it.
Just for the same purpose that I do it to other people. I need to stop and think about what I'm going to say or do before I say it from now on .
I think back on how harsh some of the things I've said to people are even if they are true or if I'm just messing with someone.
Also how much I've lost due to the way I hold grudges and act toward certain people.
I really don't except forgiveness for anything that I've said or done.
But If it's all the same to whom it nay cocern for
who ever reads this and thinks that at one time that
it was you that I said something about or struck out
at truly apologize with all my heart.
For what soon may come may never let me say it again.
Once again to all the people I've met or even had somewhat of an impact in thier life if I've caused you any torment at all I apologize and I wish everyone the best of luck in life.