wow another day and another load of bs

Jul 10, 2003 01:00

Yep one more diapointment at the wonderful world of gamestop.
for the past week and a half they've been telling me I should be getting promoted soon I wish they'd quit telling me this crap.
Just say hey I know your better suited for the job then all the rest of them but to be honest with you I really don't like you at all and that the reason that I wont' give you the job.
That fact that you've helped out everyone in the store including the people that I've hired to take the position that I've told you you've had so many times before. I think what I'm trying to say is
do one or the other not both because wipeing the spit off my and the blood off my back. Is not only a pain in the ass but it gets
old after awhile.
And once again sit and wonder why I stay with this company when there's a place right across town that would love to have the subs
reserves and my work ethic.
I guess it just comes down to my ego being in a high volume store
is what I always wanted and I used to it now so I don't see how it could be fun steping away from that again unless of course it was to go back into the army were none of this civilian bs matters at all.

But I'm over it happy happy joy joy
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