Jul 27, 2004 20:21
Hey i have a quiz for u on finding ur Mr.right it u don't all redy have won . any won can take it.
So what u need is a paper and pencel so u can right down ur ansrers.all u need to do is list 1-13 on the paper and put down the leter that u pited.
ok here it is
1. When you see your crush from across the caf, you...
A) wave hello if he happens to catch you looking at him.
B) whatch to see who he's whith and whee he's sitting to make sure other girls aren't swooping on your tarritory.
C) feel your heart lpop into your gut while your cheeks heat up in a blush.
D) do nothing because he probably wouldn't acknowlege you anyway.
E) go and sit at the same tabel just so he'll notice you.
2. He's so smart that teachers have stopped calling on him in
class just to give other students the chance to participate.
Far as you're concerned, that macks him....
A) irritatingly geeky.
B) curiously interesting.
C) ambitiously boring.
D) surprisingly smart.
E) ironically rebellious.
3. He's so witty that you find yourself
grinning like a lobotomized fool any
time you're around him.
True, False, I'm never around him
4. You were thinking about asking him to
a dance but were afraid because....
A) he's never shown up to a dance before because he haates cheesy school-dance music.
B) he shows up to dances but only because he's the DJ.
C) you hears two outer girls want to ask him.
D) you've never seen him at a dance before.
E) every time you talk to him, he seems to be in his own world.
5. He sits alone, never talks and doesn't participate is
school activities because....
A) he's a foreign exchange student who speaks an unusual language that has him spray it not say it.
B) the super-loner prefers the company of a book or is gameboy advance.
C) he's shy, and school stuff just isn't what butters his muffin.
D) he can't stan how everyone is to spoon-feed globaized,individual-crushing cultuer though the
corporate-controlled TV and information machine of the failing (duh) democratic system.
E) he only dates colleg girls.
6. You don't know one girl who dosn't
think your crush is completely cute
True, False, You know one girl, but she is blind
7.One of the following guye likes you:
A) a hot but way-dumb dude.
B) a hot but two-years-and-seven-and-a-half-months-yonger-then-you boy.
C) a hot but well-know two-timing cheater.
D) a hot but boring guy
E) a hot but sory-of- mean machine.
8. when he offered to help you with your homework you.....
A) thougth he was being nice.
B) thougth he was hitting on you.
C) thougth he need ed a breath mint.
D) thougth it was practicl joke.
E) thought he figured you were stuped
9. He plays in a band and wears lots of black clothes with studs. this mackes you....
A) daydream about your punk-rock wedding.
B) a little uneasy, but he's so cute you see past the spiked jewelry
C) convinced he's a complete poser.
D) want to set him up with your goth neighbor.
E) wish he would just dress like a normal person.
10. When your'er alon with a guy, what do u value the most?
A) laughing.
B) kissing.
C) going places.
D) doing stuff you both like.
E) just "being"
11. One way you're sure a guy likes you is when he.....
A) calls.
B) stares.
C) asked u out.
D) writes ur history paper.
E) writes a song for u
ansers will vary.
1. A)1 B)5 C)3 D)2 E)4
2. A)3 B)4 C) 1 D)5 E)2
3. T)1 F)5 Never)5
4. A)2 B)1 C)5 D)4 E)3
5. A)1 B)4 C)3 D)2 E)5
6. T)5 F)0 One,But blind)0
7. A)2 B)1 C)5 D)3 E)4
8. A)1 B)4 C)5 D)2 E)3
9. A)2 B)2 C)5 D)5 E)5
11. A)1 B)2 C)5 D) 3 E) 4
12. A)1 B)4 C)1 D)3 E)2
Mr. Nice guy
Dude Details
He" funny, maybe popular,and lots of girls seem to like him.He's got lots of friends
What is meen if u picked him
You like a friendly,charing,warm person, and that shows your priprties in a
boyfriend are companionship, entertainment and attraction
Mr. Alterna Dude
Dude details
He's over the norm and rejects conventional thinking.
He likes to do edgy stuff, like desing a tattoo or rehearse metal songs with his band
or spend the day in an empty swimming pools on his skateborard.
What it meen if u picked him.
There's a reason some girls like "bad" boys-there hot,rugged and they do
their own thing. Alterna Dude's fringe energy and not-into0cheese vide....
it'd just hot. Maybe you like him because you identify with him.
He rejects what you reject-conformity
Mr. Smart Shybee
Dude details
He's into school,learing stuff, and wants an equally curious girl.
What it meens if u picked him
You like a guy with more brain then biceps.For the most part,
this bot is about whats upstairs and not downstairs.
that so does it for you.
Mr. Mystery Lorner
Dude details
They say still waters run deep, which means a quiet guy has lots on his mind.
He's ofted misunderstood.
What it means if u picked him.
It's his hot mystery and disregard for popularity that attarct you.
You're not even shere what hes even about.
Mr. Popular player
Dude details
If he had a buck for evey girl that spent day dreaming about him, he'd be rich.
Whatever it is that makes a guy the object of many girls, he is loads of it.
What it means if u picked him
You like pudding ur shelf in sharke infested warters to grt ur man. You like relly hot guys .
Who doen't.