Three things make a post, so here's three random thoughts.
Random Thought #1
I recently had cause to watch the WWII movie
The Guns of Navarone. In it, there are several scenes in German, but no subtitles are provided. I also noted that the theatrical release of The Battle of Britain had a lot of such un-subtitled scenes. When did the convention change from "learn German, damn it!" to subtitles?
Random Thought #2
On Facebook, I linked to an article which claimed an ancient city in Israel had been destroyed by a meteor strike. The claim was this incident was what caused both the Sodom and Gomorrah story and the fall of the walls of Jericho. Well, Anne Geyer, a friend, did a bit of research and found the people advancing the claims were very shady. Not everything you read on the Internet is true.
Random Thought #3
I found this
article about Trump and Evangelical Christians. The subtitle of the article was "How unchurched Evangelicals are helping create a God-and-country lifestyle brand." My response is "Unchurched Evangelicals" are like "undocumented aliens." They are both euphemisms for people who are breaking the rules. This frankly is one of the many things that get my goat when talking to a lot of Trump supporters. I, an out-of-practice Roman Catholic, know more about the Bible they profess to follow then they do."
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