I've been sedition-free for 19,832 days! For those interested who did not storm the Capitol this past week, you can visit
here to work on your number. Other thoughts:
Trump as domestic abuser
Although Trump is not (as far as I know) a domestic abuser, he has a lot in commonality with them. This is largely because domestic abuse is about control, not violence. Violence is a tool in the abuser's toolbox, not the end goal. So:
1) The most dangerous period in an abusive relationship is when the victim leaves. This threatens the abuser with literally the worst thing they can think of, a loss of control. We saw that on Wednesday.
2) Abusive relationships are full of incidents where, after a particularly bad beat-down, the abuser shows up with smiles, apologies and flowers. Again, Job 1 of an abuser is to maintain control. We saw this later in the week with the kinda-sorta concession video.
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