Let There Be Light!

Dec 28, 2020 10:14

I don't usually blog about household products, but my dad found one for me that I just have to. It's a light fixture.

Some background. My garage at my house does not have any windows. It also has only one light fixture - a porcelain single-bulb screw-in, mounted in the ceiling. As a result, even with the brightest bulb I could find, the place is rather dark.

Then my dad found this: Universal 3-Panel Folding Daylight LED Light Bulb. Calling it a bulb is not especially accurate. It does screw into a regular bulb socket, but it has 3 moveable LED light panels, each about 6 inches long. Using only 36 watts, it throws out a TON of light! My garage went from dark to light.

I just got it, so I can't speak to durability, but now I can see what the hell I'm doing in the garage. Highly recommended for any dark corners in your house or garage. This entry was originally posted at https://chris-gerrib.dreamwidth.org/749425.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

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