Election 2020 - additional thoughts

Nov 05, 2020 07:34

Two additional thoughts on the Election That Still Is:

Thought #1

I read right-wing blogs so you don't have to. One of my favorites (for certain values of favorite) is that of Wily E. Coyote, International Genius At Large (just ask him). He was, pre-election, calling for a "Trumpslide." 400 Electoral votes, swing California red, etc., etc. After the election, with not a peep about what he said the Friday before, he's now telling his supporters to be calm because Trump will arrest all the Democrats and stop the fraud, thus squeezing out a 274-ish win.

This movie is a remake of The Affair of the Sad Puppies. (A real-life attempt to cook the books for a science fiction literary award.) The plotters in that case were confident that all their shenanigans were legit, they had an absolute majority, and besides everybody had to go along with their Master Plans. Spoiler: They was wrong.

Thought #2

As discussed yesterday, there's a "Trump effect" that caused the pre-election polling to be wrong. One oft-sited possible cause is the "shy" Trump voter. This left-wing blogger thinks the real answer is paranoia. There may be something to it. After all, if you need an AR-15 to go to the Piggly-Wiggly lest the Al-Quida / BLM / Ninja hit squad shows up, how likely are you to talk to J. Random Pollster? This entry was originally posted at https://chris-gerrib.dreamwidth.org/747032.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

politics, #2as, trump, #1i

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