
Aug 22, 2019 12:50

It's been in the news of late that Trump wanted to buy Greenland from Denmark. This suggestion has prompted a lot of hilarity. Most of the hilarity is not based on the merits of the deal. (There ARE some merits - we have two military bases on Greenland for a reason.) The hilarity comes from two reasons.

First, buying a large chunk of a country is something that should be given rather more thought than you would give to selecting a variety of pop from a vending machine. There is absolutely no evidence that this "deal" was given even that level of thought.

Second, the "deal" was announced via Twitter on Monday. Today the Republicans are selling t-shirts with Greenland shown as part of the USA. It gives the impression that we should be glad Trump doesn't come out against deodorant or bathing, lest the stench in our public places grow too much.

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politics, trump

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