Odds and Ends

Aug 01, 2007 15:49

First up, the August - September issue of Jim Baen's Universe is now up for your reading pleasure. I haven't had a chance to do much more then glance at the table of contents and skim Mike Resnik's article on slush piles, but I suspect that much goodness resides there.

Second, it's full-on silly season here in Chicago. I've had (unfortunately) several occasions to be at the Oak Brook post office, and on my most recent visit, the LaRouche-ites* were camped out at the entrance, asking passersby for help in impeaching Bush and Cheney. Although I think Bush is a shoo-in for the "worst President since Hoover" award, and a strong contender for "worst ever," I'm not into impeachment.

Even for people who might be into the impeachment thing, the LaRouche-ites (at least at Oak Brook) are the worst advocates possible. Their camp was festooned with insulting signs, and the people manning it weren't trying to advocate so much as preach to the choir. I've discussed the problem before, so I wasn't that surprised. In this particular case, it's no great loss, but I have a vision of the local party boss scratching his head wondering why they didn't get any donations or support.

* No, I'm not going to link to those loonies - Google it if you must.

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