The title of today's post comes from a comment at
this post. The short version is Somebody On The Internet Is Upset, this time over a black female pirate in fiction. Well, despite the fact that
one such person really existed, the discussion has proceeded along the usual lines. Moving on to the links:
La Maupin, a 17th-Century opera singer, swordswoman (fought and won multiple duels) and bisexual (joined a nunnery to get into a nun's knickers). The things you learn on the Internet...
B) Something I really hope is a gag -
a handheld flamethrower.
C) A theory on the cause of nearsightedness:
not enough outside light. If true, it suggests Martians and other out-planet colonists might all be nearsighted.
D) Is Seattle's $15-an-hour minimum wage forcing restaurants to close?
The owners say no.
E) A picture is worth a thousand words: