3 Ayem

Nov 26, 2013 08:46

My wake-up call today was 3 in the AM, because I was serving as airport shuttle service, and my shuttle-ees had a 6 AM flight. I got them to the airport, went home, and got an hour nap on my recliner so I'm good.

I noticed that I hadn't posted much about my recent California trip. This is not because the trip wasn't fun (it was) just not perhaps as noteworthy as some of my others. Death Valley is unique, but nowhere near as spectacular as the Grand Canyon or a redwoods forest. I did have a thought, namely groceries.

While staying outside Death Valley, in the tiny (or at least highly unpopulated) town of Amargosa Valley, NV, I ended up gossiping with the "local" Schwan's delivery man. I put "local" in quotes because the guy was based in Pahrump and covered several thousand square miles.

For those not in the know, Schwan's sells all kinds of frozen groceries, and they deliver (apparently anywhere) in distinctive beige trucks. When I was a kid, we briefly bought stuff from them, but apparently Mom could find the same stuff cheaper at the local supermarket.

There is no "local supermarket" in Amargosa Valley. The nearest supermarket is in Pahrump, 50 miles down the road. And Amargosa is, by local standards, fairly close to the big city. There are several towns in the area even more remote. In short, frozen food delivered to your door is a big deal out there. Food for thought.

vacation, food and diet, travel

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