Two Posts Worth Agreeing With

Jun 13, 2013 09:52

Two posts of a political nature that I agree with.

Post The First

From Gin and Tacos, "Grown-up time." Obama, commenting on the NSA leaks, said you can't have 100% security and 100% privacy. To which the Gin-and-Tacos guy said: You know what kind of person expects to get everything they want at no cost? Children. Bratty teenagers. Spoiled college kids. I have great respect for anyone willing to tell the public, "Look, make up your goddamn minds. You want us to prevent terrorism by the most aggressive means available. Well, this is the cost. If anyone has a better idea of how to stay on top of every potential terrorist activity on the planet we'd love to hear it." Can I get an "Amen?"

Post The Second

From Ta-Nehisi Coates, talking about the latest outbreak of foot-in-mouth decease over rape and pregnancy, comes this: If you are not around people who will look at you like you are crazy when you make stupid claims about other people's experiences, then you tend to keep saying stupid things about other people's experiences. This is, Coates claims, the real advantage of "diversity." Can I get an "Amen" please?


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