Yes, I am finally done with my Christmas shopping! What's that, you say? Christmas was last week!?!?
Well, yes, I actually knew that. The Christmas shopping I'm talking about is my shopping for me. As a grown adult, it's much easier for my parents to give me cash and let me shop then to buy stuff for me. So, the week after Christmas, during the week and after the maddening rush, I go out and buy what I need. Two of the items on my list were pans.
I have one good set of pans, including a 1 and a 2 quart sauce pan. I rarely need more than two pans, but "rarely" is not "never." So I have a second set, given to me years ago and which I think were hand-me-downs from my paternal grandmother. There are several problems with this set, most notably that the bottom of the pans aren't level, which is irritating if you have a glass-top stove like I do. So, I decided to pick up a cheap pair as spares.
I first went to Target, then Bed Bath and Beyond. Sorry, folks, I am not paying $30 (!!!) for a pan to heat up a can of beans, and I don't care which celebrity chef's picture is on the package! Defeated in that quest, I ended up doing some online research. As a result, I very nearly ordered this enameled
granite ware set from Amazon. Then I discovered that the enamel on these pans can melt and fuse to a glass-topped stove. As Rick Perry would say, oops. Talk about a mess!
Further research led me to this
product at IKEA. Success! Right price and good on my stove (two pots with lids for $20 tax title and license). Not only that, it gave me an excuse to go have Swedish meatballs for lunch in IKEA's cafeteria. Now I'm back, and to writing I will go.