Bullet Points For Friday

Dec 16, 2011 10:06

Because I have a few short and unrelated comments vs one big post:

A) Over the previous weekend, I viewed on pay-per-view the recent movie Cowboys and Aliens. I paid (the same money) for the "unedited" version, hoping to see more of Olivia Wilde. Alas, not so you'd notice, but I did find the movie a perfectly entertaining SF / shoot-em-up, with a side of blow-stuff-up-real-good.

B) Also on the entertainment front, I re-read the classic pirate novel, Treasure Island. I had forgotten a whole sequence where Jim steals back the Hispaniola. It was an entertaining romp with a classic.

C) Remember when ordering lobster was a big deal? I was at Red Lobster last night, killing two birds with one stone by finishing Christmas shopping and eating dinner, and noticed that they had three lobster and steak combos for under $20! Now, one will note that the steak is small and the lobster is neither fresh nor from Maine, but still, ordering lobster used to be a big deal. Not any more.

D) An interesting graphical link (you may have to click through an ad to see it) Correlation or Causation? Need to prove something you already believe? Statistics are easy: All you need are two graphs and a leading question.

logical thinking, food and diet, reviews, pirates

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