A Question of Priorities

Sep 08, 2011 10:23

I did not watch the Republican Party Presidential debate last night.  I had more important things to do, namely attend an event in which this was served:

(Actual picture of actual desert, not resized or altered!)

So, I caught up with the debate via the after-debate news and analysis. One of the talking heads on one of the shows made a point to the effect that Rick Perry calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme made him unelectable in a general election. The talking head opposite him said that the Republicans went with the "electable candidate" in 2008 (John McCain) and look what that got them, so they may go with the feel-good candidate. It is, in short, a question of the voters' priorities.

I would agree, and add a thought - electability is the hardest thing to determine. I think John McCain was electible right up until the bank crisis of September 2008. His mishandling of that, and the mocking he got from Dave Letterman, cost McCain his electability.

politics, obama 08

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