
Oct 12, 2009 15:32

I did some looking in my LiveJournal and realized that I haven't done a lick of writing in close to a year. Now, that's not quite accurate, in that I've made a few abortive attempts at starting something, but it's close. I've been jammed up, mostly mentally with the demands of work.

Now the log-jam is broken - if only I had a title!

I decided to take a complete break from all Mars-related novels, and write a good-ole-fashioned Space Opera. In fact, that's the current working title, until I brainstorm another. The high concept is simple - aliens with Battlestar Galactica technology meet humans with slower-than-light starships.

It's not going to be a fair fight. See, the aliens have a regular military (actually corporate-owned military, thus for-profit) and their ships (well, the internal-drive equipped ones) can jump in and out of faster-than-light space.

The humans at my colony world Lakshmi (named after a Hindu god because the Roman ones were used) don't have a military (don't need it) and very lightly-armed ships. But the thing about slower-then-light travel is speed. You either go ridiculously slowly, or you go at a significant fraction of the speed of light. But you go fast enough, even a stray proton can be deadly.

So you need shields. Big ones. Take a nuke down the throat big. And fast drives, like matter / anti-matter, which said shield technology makes a hell of a lot easier.

Like I said, it's not a fair fight at all. But a breath of fresh air from Mars.

Word Count for As-Yet Untitled Space Opera
Completed (3,938) Goal (80,000)

5% complete
Word Count This Session = 3,938


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