Dec 04, 2005 00:22
I had a very nice birthday. Very low key and quiet, which was really great. My mom took me out to lunch and brought me some gifts which included: Crown Royal Whisky, 4 tall cans of Keiths, 4 tall cans of Coors Light, a 6 pack of Stella Artois and 3 mini bottles of Henkel Trocken. She also gave me a cake and other treats such as a cookie platter and chocolate and such and took me grocery shopping. She also took me out to lunch. I spent a good 4 hours with her. It was nice. Its been great moving away from home, but sometimes it is nice to be with my mother. When I came back after grocery shopping, me and my friends here in residence watched Old Boy. I enjoyed it even though it was incredibly depressing. 19 is the legal drinking age in Canada, so I could have gone out to a bar. I chose not to so that I could hang out with my friends in residence. It wouldn't have been fun if I went to a bar without all my closest friends, as most of them are under 19. I had a few glasses of Crown royal and the white wine and a piece of cake. Getting completely hammered did not seem appropriate as I want to enjoy my birthday, not puke it up and curse the day I was born. A lot of people wished me happy birthday. Thanks to everyone who commented, I really appreciate it.I don't think I could have had a better birthday.