Feb 06, 2006 23:53

Holy crap there's a lot of stress at the moment. I got Stars in their Eyes tonight at the Hyena Comedy Club. I'm being Matt from busted and ripping the shit out of them. Should be a good laugh but it'll still be quite stressful. Next there's the two plays that i'm in. I'm Lysander in A Midsummer Nights Dream and a smaller part in a piece of new writing. Then there's myplay. I'm writing a play and i have to propose it to be performed in the summer term on Wednesday. Not to mention the fact that i would be directing it. Then there's the American Football team. I getting pretty sick of it now. I don't have the time to be there at every practice and i'm sick of being bollocked for doing things wrong that i couldn't possibly know how to do right. they change the playbook too often. Everyone's getting pissed off but most people have enough time to cope with it. I don't!!! I might have to quit that. On top of all this i also have a recall audition for a short film on Wesnesday. Are there any pills on the market that'll calm me down and destress me?Mo
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