Jun 07, 2005 15:22
Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Male
Birthday: 16th April 1987
Sign: Aries
Siblings: A sister who goes by the name of Kim.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue.
Height: Around 6ft.
• ¥ • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • ¥ •
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
How many exes do you have?: 3
What is your longest relationship?: One and a half years.
What was your shortest relationship? Couple of months
• ¥ • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • ¥ •
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Nowehere in particular
Any tattoos or piercings: Nope
Favorite brands?: none
What is your sexiest outfit?: I dont know
What do you wear most the time?: Jeans and shirt
• ¥ • S P E C I F I C S • ¥ •
Do you do drugs?: Nope
What are you most scared of?: Drowning
What are you listening to right now: Nothing.
Who is the last person that called you?: Dad.
Where do you want to get married?: On a boat sailing down a river
What would you change about yourself?: nothing really. you are who you are!
¥ • F A V O R I T E S • ¥ •
Colors: Red.
Foods: CURRY
Girls names: Rose
Boys names: Jack (although tainted by the exploits of Jack Snowden)
Subjects in school: English
Animals: Cat, Cassie.
• ¥ • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • ¥ •
Given anyone a bath?: no.
Smoked?: Yes.
Made yourself throw up?: Nope
Skinny dipped? Nope
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Nope
Cried when someone died?: Yep
Lied: Yes.
Fallen for your best friend?: Nope
Been rejected?: Yes.
Rejected someone?: Yes.
Used someone?: Probably not
Done something you regret?: Yeah
• ¥ • C U R R E N T • ¥ •
Clothes: Black shirt and jeans
Annoyance: This thing
Smell: Wine gums.
DVD in player: Family Guy.
• ¥ • L A S T | P E R S O N • ¥ •
You touched: er. the cat?
Hugged: Louise
You IMed: Jacinta.
You yelled at: Dad
• ¥ • A R E | Y O U • ¥ •
Understanding: I try to be.
Open minded: I think so.
Arrogant: I hope not.
Insecure: Probably.
Random: Chicken.
Hungry: For CURRY.
Smart: Potentially but not very motivated
Moody: At times
Hard working: Depends what im doing
Organized: Not really. All my finances are though.
Healthy: Yes
Shy: I can be yeah. Not with people i know well though.
Difficult: At times.
Attractive: To myself? NO!
Obsessed: What with? With some things yes! Halo 2 anyone?
Angry: Sometimes.
Sad: More so recently but not usually.
Happy: Usually
Hyper: Only occassionaly.
• ¥ • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • ¥ •
Kill?: Nobody
Slap?: Nobody
Get really wasted with?: Friends
In the morning I: Work at the moment!
Love is: As Enid said "The best & worst thing that can happen to you."
I dream about: Things that piss me off when i wake up coz they aren't true.
• ¥ • W H O • ¥ •
Makes you smile: Lots of people. Mostly? Louise.
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him or her?: What kind of funny feeling?
• ¥ • D O | Y O U | E V E R • ¥ •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to get on?: Not all night. Maybe just for half an hour or so.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Nope
Wish you were younger: Nope
• ¥ • N U M B E R • ¥ •
Of scars on my body: A couple.
• ¥ • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S • ¥ •
I am: who i am!
I want: the be happy.
I have: revision to do.
I wish: i didnt have to revise
I hear: the computer whirring away.
I hate: chavs!
I fear: myself!lol